Saturday, June 11, 2011

Changing the game by thinking with portals: Portal 2 Review

In the gaming world parody on certain levels is inevitable, someone somewhere did something awesome and that is normally where we draw our beginning ideas from, after all we all remember our first great experience with something new and those experiences tend to affect our own. In a gaming world filled with FPS (first person shooters) Portal seems poised to do something that doesn’t happen very often, change the way we play video games. In an industry that is supposedly full of innovators portal 2 is truly innovative taking the first person view and instead of filling the screen with targets that you will eventually fill with hot lead it places you in the middle of huge test rooms filled with puzzles and forces you to think your way out, the only true enemies are turrets that shoot at you on certain levels and the puzzles themselves both of witch can be dealt with by thinking outside of the box and some clever wits; thinking in a first person game....I know crazy right?

Add the fact that for the life of me I cant think of another game that has done anything similar and ladies and gents we just may have on our hands something that is truly innovative and different. Portal started out as a side attraction in the orange box and continued to gain popularity culminating in an Internet wide meme (did anyone end up getting a slice of that freaking cake???) Portal 2 follows up and immediately drops you into this big and odd world filled with amazing oddities like goop than can make you run faster and jump higher and great characters that keep you interested and immersed in the game, wheatly and glados both are very intriguing, wheatly is hilarious with his extremely low iq for a robot and glado's disrespectful undertones and blatant remarks are funny even if you didn’t play the first game. The puzzles are very interesting with varying amounts of difficulty, most require attention to detail and being able to look at the puzzles from different points of view. Portal 2 also has a stand alone co-op mode that has its own set of intriguing puzzles that focus on teamwork between two players that adds to the games replay value. Simply put the portal series is a breath of not only fresh but new and different air into the gaming universe, the first person view along with amazing dialog deeply immerses you in the game while the puzzles truly give you the feeling that you have never played anything like this before and you really feel like you have accomplished something as the puzzles difficulty increases and you complete them. Hopefully portal 2 will be the start of a good group of games that use the first person view for more than simply fragging, and if gaming history shows us anything then I am sure that soon you will be seeing other games following in portals footsteps…

Till next time follow me on twitter, like me on facebook and join the 51Army by follwing my blogs….see you starside

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