Sunday, June 19, 2011

The dark knight returns (batman arkham city preview)

One thing I truly love about the videogame industry is the ability and oppertunity developers have to take a license we all know and love (like comic book hero's) and take them beyond our wildest imagination. Its one thing to read a truly epic comic or watch an amazing movie featuring one of your favorite superheros, but to put you in control, behind the mask and under the cowl of many of our favorite hero's is absolutly awe inspireing when done correctly. A standing testiment to this idea is the recent hit Batman arkham asylum. Arkham asylum makes you feel like you are the caped crusder like no game, movie or even comic book could hope to duplicate.

All of the dark knights powers and abilitys are right at your fingertips, from standard batarang's and batmans signature cape that allows him to glide through the skys of gotham to the creative and extremly helpful detective mode in the game that proved why batman owns the mantle "worlds greatest detective". Arkham aslymum was a great game and arkham city not only looks to follow in its footsteps but move even further in what has become the best superhero gaming franchise to date. The current specs are that the game will boast over 40 hours of gameplay as well as an extra 15 hours of extra content to keep you busy in the streets of arkham and as im sure everyone knows by now catwoman is a playable character for aproximatly 10 percent of the game.

For those who have had bad experiences with so called "extra characters" that in truth are just reskins rest assured that ms.selina kyle is her very own character and is not batman with a {much} sexier strut, catwoman comes with her own moveset, storyline, goals & opponents and approaches fighting, interacting and moving in and around arkham city completly different and independent from the caped crusaider. Injecting catwoman into the arkham franchise was a smart and very interesting move by rocksteady games. Catwomans sultry personality and quick witt should add a very sharp and sexy feel to the game (two things i never thought i would put in the same sentence as ANYTHING refering to a batman game…or batman in general) and make an amazing change of pace. Those with even a mild interest in baman should be looking forward to oct. 18th (arkham city release date) and if your a fan of the world greatest detective it shouldnt take a cole phelp's interrogation to get you into your local gamestop to reserve a copy and pick it up on release day.

Until then stay tuned into the carnage report! Like me on facebook, follow me on twitter and continue to support the growing 51 army by reading my blog and telling your fellow gamers, also plz comment on my blog I would love to hear some feedback, both positive and…..otherwise lol till then…..See you starside

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